Saturday, August 3, 2013

The travelling team - John, the American musician MEK and I joined the Žatec Karavaan first. Our host Betty and her students greeted us in the most beautiful school I’ve even seen.

We spent some time talking about our goals in this journey, about the best ways to build bridges, reaching the goals of then Karavaan and so on. After a few get-to-know-each-other games, our host families came to get us and everyone spend the evening with their own host family. 

Betty, MEK and Betty's son
MEK and I were hosted by Betty, her son and her boyfriend. I realized that Czechs are very similar to Croatians, at least when it comes to how much meat they eat. And Betty is a lady of many talents; she teaches music and drama in the school we all got together, but also in a special music school. Her driving skills, I have to point out, are quite amazing as well. If her teaching carrier hasn’t worked out, Formula One could have been an option as well – she certainly already drives like an F1 driver.

Betty handing out tasks
Today was all about discovering Žatec. The city is famous for its beer brewery like so many other cities in the Czech Republic. Betty gave us tasks which included visiting different important places in the city and then learning by asking Czech people questions about them. We learned that Žatec was one of the three cities where Hussites were safe during the Hussite wars because the Catholic army failed to conquer the city.

After a traditional Czech lunch, we continued our journey. Next stop – Tachov!

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