Monday, July 29, 2013

The Hats

Another Sunday in Kruiningen, another hats parade. On Sundays, this place is a dead town. People mostly only go to church. That's because on Sundays, church is the only place where they are allowed to go - two or three times a day! These people belong to a very conservative and quite isolated Calvinistic denomination. Now, I've never actually attended this church, but my Czech EVS colleague has. Since he's studied theology, this experience was quite fascinating for him, but, as interesting as this church was from a theological point of view, he was even more fascinated by its strict dress code. Women are not allowed to wear pants at all, and when attending the service, they have to wear really fancy clothes and hats. The first time I saw them in the village, I thought they were just off to some special party. 
Calvinistic church

I certainly have learned a lot about Protestantism living in Kruiningen during the past 7 months, but I guess I'm still quite far from understanding it. Well, Kruiningen with its few churches is probably a good starting point. The Karavaan in the Czech Republic is the next step of the way. We'll have to wait and see how much more the others and I can learn there. 

Only one day left! 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Through my eyes

What? What kind of title is this? What does that even mean? Well, it means that whoever will follow the Karavaan through this blog will do it from my perspective since I am the only one who will be writing the texts here. I did not come up with the idea; this is all my boss John. But, since I'm already doing reporting of the Karavaan, I thought, 'Why not!'

So, who am I? My name is Klara, I'm 23 and I am one of the European volunteers working for Atlantic Bridge this year. I love history and I've always been interested in discovering how European religious heritage influenced this continent and where we are right now. What better place to do this  than the Czech Republic? The stories in this blog will be written from the perspective of tasks and challenges we put before this Karavaan. There are a few things you will probably learn about me form these stories; I am quite sarcastic and very critical of everything, so the stories will not only bring you the atmosphere of the Karavaan but also analyze and question what was done, how and why.
This is a place for all of you who couldn't join us - I will be travelling around for you, bringing you the taste of the  Czech Republic. It is also a place or those who will be there - to see what's happening in other cities. Expect a story or two every day, plus the photos of course.

Oh yeah, one more thing; I'm from Croatia.

Only two more days...

Friday, July 26, 2013


What is the Czech Republic all about? The first thing that might cross your mind are Czech dumplings and cheap beer. But, there's much more to this beautiful country. The exciting city of Prague, the town called Bridge (Most), the 'salty' town of Slaný, Tachov's beautiful castle and city walls or the eco-farm in Frýdlant where you will have the opportunity to get back to basics and experience a completely different lifestyle. All of this and much more is waiting for us. Only three more days…!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Are you ready? Only four days left!!!

After many months of preparation, it's almost time to leave for the Czech Republic to get the young people from different parts of Europe and the United States together. Travelling, sharing our cultures and heritage, having fun while discovering the hidden treasures of Bohemia. We start in Prague all together, then each group follows its own way to Liberec where we all meet once again for the International Youth Festival. You better start packing your bags, the countdown has begun!

Different routes of the Karavaan